

Download Advanced PC Tweaker v4.2 Full Version

Advanced PC Tweaker is a program diagnastik and maintenance with over 15 functions to provide complete care for and improve the performance of your PC. This program can improve the performance of your PC system by repairing problems, clean useless files, making backups and optimize the system, but also can remove unwanted programs, this program is to optimize system memory and protect sensitive information by completely removing all traces of internet activity for personal use. in addition, advanced pc tweaking, you can easily use to improve the performance of your PC system, customize windows to your personal preferences, perform data backup for your data safe when deleted, do a system restore to restore your data during backup.

Advanced features of pc tweaking:
Increase performance:
As we all know, the longer the windows system more slowly over time. This program offers the functionality to improve the performance of your pc. with a registry cleaner that contained 17 specific categories in scan your registry and detects deficiencies that exist on your pc. by selecting the category you want, a scanner will find the location of the detected problems that make the performance of your pc become slow and unstable.

File Size : 4MB
Password : komputer


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